Pashmina care instructions used by experts

Pashmina Care Instructions For Your Pashmina.

Pashmina care is just as just as important as buying it. You may invest your hard earned money to buy one of your favourite pashmina scarves or pashmina shawls, but if you don't know how to take care of them then you won't be able to enjoy it for as long as you really would have liked. Therefore, we have compiled 5 quick pashmina care instructions that are commonly used by pashmina manufacturers, and pashmina lovers from all around the world. Hopefully these instructions will help you too.

Instruction 1

The Real Pashmina should be dry cleaned. This is the best way to keep it clean.

Instruction 2

If dry cleaning isn't an option, try to wash by hand, first use very cold water. You may add a little soft detergent such as baby shampoo or Woolite if you wish but please be certain the detergent is completely dissolved first. Then wash very gently by hand while being very careful with the hand-tied tassels if you are washing a pashmina accessory. You may want to check these images and see if you can find something similar at your local store:

how to wash pashmina

pashmina care instructions If it's a pashmina sweater or cardigan, turn it inside out. Soak in lukewarm water with shampoo added.Do NOT squeeze or twist. To dry a pashmina, keep it in a towel and roll in towel to soak the dripping river from the pashmina.

Instruction 3

It is important that you do NOT use any bleaching product to rinse your pashmina scarf. This will degrade the softness and the quality of your scarf.

Instruction 4

Avoid direct sunlight while drying your pashmina scarf. Allow it air dry naturally under the shade. Spread it evenly on a plain surface using your hands and lay flat to dry. Watch out for any wrinkles or twist.

Instruction 5

Try to store your pashmina in a place where there is no direct sunlight or too much moisture. If you intend to store it for longer period, it's a good idea to fold it neatly and pack in a tissue paper. Use moth- proof stuff for complete safety and fold them inside out in the case of cashmere sweaters. That's it. Proper pashmina and cashmere care is actually easy. All you have to do is spend some time and though while doing your washing. One secret about pashmina is the older it gets, the softer it becomes so if you really want to see the true quality and softness of your pashmina scarf, look after it. Now it is time to enjoy!

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